Sunday 23 May 2010

Second orphanage visit in Chiang Mai

Paddle Pool
My second orphanage visit was to a home similar in size to the first one I visited. There were 9 children age 3 to 6 there and Kathy had been their "mother" for 6 years, since taking in the oldest one as a baby. They saw her as their mother as they had no other and in that sense the set up of this orphanage was completely different to the first one.There Tracey and David were more like facilitators and didn't live in the home but rather in their own home with their children. Thai staff and volunteers from around the world look after the daily running of things and taking care of the children whilst Tracey and David do a lot of organisational things and fundraising. However they also have a hands on approach whenever they are at the home which is almost every day.
It was very interesting for me to see the different ways things were done. Kathy's home had a more relaxed but more disorganised feel to it but in a sense it was more like a real home rather than an orphanage.Both examples were good in different ways and gave me a lot to think about.
I'd always imagined being the "mother" of an orphanage would suit me best and would be very satisfying. However I also have a big vision for the future and want to rescue as many children as possible from the atrocious conditions they live in, in the sex slave industry. I could see how being a facilitator would allow you to set up a number of homes for children and more could be helped.
In any case I fully intended to live in the home with the first children God brought me and then God would show me what to do from there. God knows we are all unique in how best we operate and approach things in life and he designs a plan for each one of us perfectly tailored to suit our unique strengths.
When I was with Kathy I felt very relaxed and we talked at length about my vision. She wanted to take the kids in the huge paddling pool but was short staffed so could only take four in at a time for safety reasons.I immediately volunteered to go in with my shorts on so all children could go in. I intended to have a hands on approach after all!

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